Hi! I’m Jessica
I am a stay-at-home momma to two boys, certified personal trainer and nutritionist, entrepreneur, and founder of Faithfully Fit Motherhood and Wellness Inc.
I used to think that eating less and working out more was the key to health and getting fit. All that advice did for me was cause inflammation in my body, develop symptoms of IBS, have cystic acne, and lose my menstrual cycle (I was told I'd have trouble getting pregnant).
Through my certifications, I learned the truth about getting fit, and doing it in a way that supports my body.
My health did a complete 360°, and every symptom I experienced went away. Plus, I was building muscle, getting stronger and had energy to do my daily activities - something I valued as a busy mom!
The transformation I had fuelled my desire to help other women do the same! I love to educate women on all things strength training, metabolic and hormone health, all while building it on a foundation of Christian faith!
God has given us the gift to steward our bodies, and keeping Him as first place allows us to do this without the obsession to be perfect or look perfect.
If this sounds like what you're looking for, I'm happy that you're here! I can't wait to continue sharing with you!
Jess 💙

Ready to get started?
Join my online course, get your guide, or connect on social media with me to get guidance for every step of your wellness journey!

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SHE'S STRONG Fitness Program
Grow strong from the inside-out so that you can live with confidence and joy in everything you do!

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Learn how you can optimize your workouts so that they are effective and give you the results you're looking for!